That’s one hard working garage door!

Garage door with muscles

Garage doors… they’re just metal objects that close off your garage, right? Wrong! Garage doors work harder than you think. To prove to you just how hard your garage door works daily, we’ve evaluated some performance challenges your door is put through. You’re about to see your garage door in a whole new light.

Put to the test day after day…

Have you ever really considered what your garage door is put through?

  • Your kids probably kick balls against it all year long, yet it’s still standing strong.
  • It keeps you nice and toasty in the winter, yet nice and cool in the summer.
  • It protects you when burglars try to enter your home.
  • It withstands (almost) all weather.

How can we picture just how much it is put through?

  • Well, think about it this way, a garage door will carry out over 25,000 operations in its life – that’s the same as you climbing and descending Mount Everest five times!
  • The sun beats down on it so much that the energy it absorbs in just one day could cook a turkey!
  • And over the course of 25 years, that solar energy equals 55 barrels of gasoline!
  • It can withstand 90 mph winds – that means it can withstand the weight of a car being thrust on to it!
  • A well-insulated garage (R‑16 value) will keep you toasty in the winter, so much so that the temperature difference between the inside of your garage and the outside air temperature can reach over 50 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s the equivalent protection of wearing three Thinsulate winter coats with 25mm of insulation!
  • And it keeps you cool in the summer too!

Your garage door in a new light

Well, were we right? We’ve surprised you, haven’t we?

Given what your garage door is put through, choosing a well-insulated and weathertight garage door is of the utmost importance! And, getting it professionally installed is just as important! We believe polyurethane insulation is the best choice – it gives you the best protection from hot and cold temperatures, reduces noise levels and is highly bend resistant.

So, if you’re thinking of upgrading to a tougher garage door, contact us at 508-563-5633, or pop into our showroom. Talking to you about our range of garage doors will make our day, there’s nothing we like more than helping someone choose the best fit for their home. You can also ask for a quote online.

If you haven’t had a play around with our Design Centre yet, what are you waiting for? Simply upload a picture of your home and create the right garage door for you. You can also visit our image gallery.

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