Design - Garage

How can I make sure my auto dealership stands out for potential customers? What can I do to be the top destination in the area?
Perhaps you have just obtained a small garage addition to your home. Or maybe you have finally purchased a shed to house all your outdoor equipment, with perfect timing for the warm weather! You may need a small overhead garage door. You might wonder, “Can I find small garage doors that are still beautiful and durable?” You certainly can!
How many times have you been out and seen a patio that’s separated by an all-glass garage door or panoramic sliding door? Granted, most people have the garage door style because it’s more affordable, but whether you’ve seen them at a restaurant or someone’s house, or even just falling in love with them on social media sites like Instagram and Pinterest, it could be a great addition to open up your living space.
If you're like the thousands of people every year who have committed themselves to live a healthier lifestyle, you might have thought about converting your garage into a home gym.
When you see the exterior of a home, it’s often the garage door that you notice first. Think about it. The garage door is probably the widest feature of the home and because of that, your eyes are naturally drawn to it.
Like so many of us, you find you enjoy working from home, but don't you need a dedicated office space? One solution growing in popularity that doesn't upset the whole house or break the bank is to transform your garage into a large, highly functional office space.
If your relationship with your garage is like most, it’s probably a little one-sided. When is the last time you even worried about your garage, let alone did something nice for it? You don’t have to get too fancy, but your garage does so much for you that it should definitely be more than an afterthought.
Have you ever wanted to create a special playroom for your kids, but you don’t have an extra room in your house to convert? This very problem was recently overcome by one of our employees, who had a brilliant thought: Why not convert the garage into a place where the kids could get a little loud and messy? With a toddler son and another on the way, she definitely needed a space where her kids would be able to hang out and play safely for years to come.
How often have you stood in front of your garage door and lamented at what a disaster it was inside? You certainly aren’t alone in this. Many people have messy garages filled with items they no longer use and that are just taking up space. They have a cluttered and disorganized mess that is not doing them any favors in terms of smart space usage.
You might think that storing clothes that you won’t use for a while in the garage is a good idea. However, you have to do more than just store winter jackets, summer shorts or other seasonal items inside boxes and place them inside your garage. You have to do the following things to keep your clothes stored in the best way possible to keep them all protected.