Innovations that Make Your Garage Door Safer

Man working on a garage door

Garage doors have come a long way over the last several years. Where we once only had a few options to choose from for safety, there are now a variety of innovations that have made owning and using a garage door safer and easier for everyone. The following are just a few of the things that we have available today.

Garage Door Choices

Today’s garage doors are available in a variety of materials, including glass and aluminum, to help you create the perfect look for your house. You also have the option to choose insulated doors to help keep your garage comfortable all year round. Don’t forget the numerous colors and combinations of materials available too – there is something that will match any home perfectly.

Innovations in Safety

Safety has long been a concern for those who have kids and pets, and there are many different innovations available to keep these precious members of your family safe, helping you to always have the perfect choice for your family and home.

Safety Lights

Garage door safety lights come on whenever movement is detected around the door. Not only does this add protection against trespassing, it also makes sure you always have plenty of light when you pull in at night. You’ll be able to see clearly, and make sure there are no people or animals trying to get in when you open the garage door.


Automatic timers eliminate the fear and worry about whether you forgot to close the door. All you have to do it set it to the chosen time, and the garage door will close automatically.


Smartphones have also made garage doors safer with apps that allow you to close the door to your garage from anywhere – even from other countries!

When purchasing your garage door, make sure to ask about these features and other innovations in safety. If you aren’t ready to purchase a new door, you can also ask about upgrades that may be available for your current model.


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