So you’re in the market for a new garage door? Here’s the thing: Getting one isn’t as simple as finding the right door and hiring someone to install it. You’ve got to pick a reputable garage door dealer.
To do this, there are some things you should consider. For example, does the garage door dealer back up their service with a warranty? What kind of reputation does the garage door dealer have in the community?
To help you in your garage door quest,
here are some tips:
Get a Handle on Their Reputation
If you want to know what a garage door dealer’s reputation looks like, then look no further than the Internet. You can use websites like Angie’s List and Yelp to see what other customers have had to say about the business. What’s their level of satisfaction, and how did they feel about the prices? Also, you should pay a visit to any garage door dealer you’re considering. Keep an eye on their representatives, noting if they seem knowledgeable.
Look into Their Experience
First, try to figure out how long the garage door dealer has been in business. You can do this by asking or by looking at their reviews.
Next, try to get a sense of the dealer’s knowledge of the local environment. You need garage doors that stand up to the elements, and the dealer should be able to deliver that. Also, when speaking with a dealer, are they keeping your budget in mind? How about your specific needs?
Finally, look into the business’ accreditation. They should have certification for every service they provide, as well as for the garage doors they sell. Also, almost every reputable garage door dealer will be accredited by the International Door Association. When you’re looking into that, ask about whether or not they’re certified by any garage door manufacturers. If, for example, they sell GARAGA garage doors, then they should be Garaga Experts.
Examine Their Compliance with Codes and Regulations
Because a garage door dealer is a contractor, they should be fully up to speed with all local building regulations and codes. Make sure that this is the case.
Also, they should be certified for safety. When you’re considering any given garage door dealer, be sure to ask to see their safety licenses. If you’re not sure what you should be looking for, then do a little bit of research beforehand.
Ask to See Their Insurance
As a contractor, a garage door dealer is required to cover both their business and their employees with insurance. For this reason, you should ask to see the garage door dealer’s Certificate of Insurance. If they’re unwilling to share that certificate with you, or don’t even have one, then it’s time to take your business elsewhere.
See How Stable Their Business Is
When you choose a garage door dealer, you want to make sure that they’ll be around to back up your warranty should you ever need them to. If they’re not, then you’re going to be stuck paying for repairs out of your own pocket, as your warranty will be a worthless piece of paper.
To figure out how stable a garage door dealer is, ask about their financial status. You can ask questions about their current business level, and how they expect that business to grow over the years to come. Getting the answer to these questions, in conjunction with doing some research into the business’ past, should help you to judge their stability.
Now Go Buy a Garage Door
If you follow these tips, you should be able to locate and retain the services of a reputable garage door dealer. So, good luck on your quest for a new garage door, and be sure to take our advice!
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